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Announcements / ezClassifieds 5.0 Released!
« Last post by ezCommunitySuite on July 28, 2024, 04:13:17 pm »
ezClassifieds 5.0 Released
Now with a new framework! Check our online demo
Optimized with a responsive layout that you can customize the colors though the admin interface.
The entire admin interface is redone with many new options.

Announcements / ezGallery 10.0 Released!
« Last post by ezCommunitySuite on July 21, 2024, 05:11:48 pm »
We are proud to announce the release ezGallery 10.0! Fully supports PHP 8.0+
Main highlights: Major updates to User Galleries: New private access request option for private galleries Users can request access to a gallery and leave an optional comment,  bulk actions for user galleries, gallery titles on userlist, along with last post and more.
Member's name is now linked to their My Images section instead of their profile in the gallery which makes for a better experience.
Numerous other improvements from SEO, search, bug fixes, feature additions and more! detailed below.

For complete details on the changes read the changelog below.

+Private Galleries now have a request access option that private gallery owners can now request. Users can request access to a gallery and leave an optional comment. The user gallery admin can then view requests and approve or reject.
+Changed that the persons name links to their myimages section instead of their main profile.
+Private members list for user galleries is now in its own section with pagination
+Added bulk actions inside a user gallery, such as moving pictures to another category, deleting images by checking off media inside the category.
+Added optional notifications via pm when adding a member to a private gallery
+Added pm notifications on when a gallery item is approved if it is unapproved.
+Added recent profile images in user's in profiles
+Added setting under Layout Settings to hide rotate image by degrees on add/edit item pages.
+Added preset image rotation option for rotate image 90 degrees, 180 degrees and 270 instead of just number which is more user friendly.
+Added option to search multiple categories by selecting/unselecting categories on the search page
+Added setting to Allow rating your own gallery items
+Added for gallery admins on add picture/add video page a checkbox for Approved  you can check and uncheck to make the item approved or unapproved.
+Added search term on search results page
+Added latest post column on the user gallery list page.
+Added user gallery title on user list page above member name if the user added a custom gallery title
+Added database indexes to gallery_userprivate table
+Delete members pictures/data option when user deleted
+Better seo titles, descriptions on categories.
!Speed improvement for handling unviewed images using a new compound index
!Fixed searching results for more than one page was displaying incorrect data if options on advanced search were uncheck
!Better/friendly image filenames when files uploaded
!Replaced AddThis with AddToAny
!Text changes pictures to items/item to be more unified for more than just pictures.
+Improved report comment page to show comment/poster detail and improved the report picture/item page
!Fixed on edit video page changing category loads custom fields
!More security checks for items in certain cases that could be visible for private/disallow categories.
!Fixed showing of private gallery items in areas of the gallery if given access. They should now appear correctly in search, myimages,unviewed, listall, and index page blocks
!Clicking search inside a normal category now defaults that category as being selected on the search page
!Added Badge awards checks on the add video page if you have that modification installed.
!Fix display of multi bulk uploader when using custom fields
!Improved upload fields to restrict to image types needed.
!Removed forum name from page titles possible SEO improvement
ezClassifieds Support / Re: error code
« Last post by LureShow on July 11, 2024, 10:16:02 pm »
That appears to have sorted the reported issues.

Thank you, amazing support from your team.  ;D

ezClassifieds Support / Re: error code
« Last post by ezCommunitySuite on July 11, 2024, 08:40:04 pm »
Sorry about this been a while since I worked on this project.

classifieds.template.php which goes to classifieds/themes
global_header.htm which goes to templates/default
ezClassifieds Support / Re: error code
« Last post by LureShow on July 11, 2024, 04:15:40 pm »
Thank you, solved some problems.  :D

Still have error (see attached)

And Main Title in Core Settings doesn't update when edited.
ezClassifieds Support / Re: error code
« Last post by ezCommunitySuite on July 11, 2024, 07:27:29 am »
Copy this attached file to your themes folder to fix above issues.
ezClassifieds Support / Re: error code
« Last post by LureShow on July 10, 2024, 05:48:19 pm »
Great service, thank you.

I did a full wipe & reinstall with fresh database.

Image upload issue solved  ;D

Still getting error codes adding a category & listing but appear to still work.
ezClassifieds Support / Re: error code
« Last post by ezCommunitySuite on July 10, 2024, 07:52:07 am »
Posted an update that hopefully should fix those issues.
Grab 4.0a from downloads section. Replace all files except your config.php

For the image issue you were having make sure your classifieds folder in your install is writable as that is were images are uploaded to.
ezClassifieds Support / Re: error code
« Last post by ezCommunitySuite on July 10, 2024, 06:33:38 am »
Will check it out and fix the issues.
ezClassifieds Support / Re: error code
« Last post by LureShow on July 09, 2024, 11:32:06 pm »
error in comment
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