This presumably applies to using ezStore as a stand-alone store, as I'm
guessing that with forum integration the text formatting tools work like they do in SMF Store(?)
1. It would be very beneficial to be able to format text for product descriptions and custom pages. Things like bold, underline, italics, override text size etc for highlighting product features and so on.
2. It would be nice to be able to have the custom pages tab link elsewhere, as they get rather lost in the small gray bar, especially as they have no coloured icon next to them that forms a nice visual separater.
3. In custom pages, it would be hugely useful to be able to integrate graphics, for example in a "shipping policies" page I like to include a graphic of a map showing the world zones I ship to.
I think with those features, ezStore would become significantly more viable as a whole website replacement, a bit like the various other ecommerce systems that are usually hideously complex to the non-techie shop keeper. ezStore has set itself apart from the other guys by being superbly user-friendly, and works int he way a shopkeeper wants it to and not requiring a degree in "WTF" to operate
Perhaps the integration of something like TinyMCE would do the job?
I say these things from the point of view of someone who doesn't understand the complexities of the magic you perform in the code, so it may be that I'm asking for a request too far.
Nice work though